Trauma Work

Why do the work?

When needs and wounds of the past(our young parts) interfere and interrupt the present (our adult selves), we need to listen and find ways to meet their needs.

And we can. There are many ways to do this.

Someone once said, if you run from the night you will be running forever, but if you turn around and enter the night... you will find the sunrise.

If we don’t look at the root cause of the wound, we will continue to avoid and neglect our own needs and the needs of those we love. We will live out patterns and feel trapped in the past.

“the work” looks like:

-identifying tools to feel calm

-learning how to feel safe inside

-feeling the pain of the past

-naming emotions and wounds

-identifying beliefs

-listening to our bodies

-expressing and releasing tension

-learning new patterns and skills

-finding something new

-returning to the core self, finding peace

labyrinth surrounded by bushes
path into the woods
  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

    Non-talk therapy

    For PTSD and traumatic incidents

  • Body-based mindfulness process for trauma responses/energy stuck in the body.

    *Works well integrated with EMDR

  • creating and moving energy and emotions outside of the body , onto a page or into a form is another way to bring the young parts that have been hurt into a safe space to begin to be seen, acknowledged, felt, and supported.

Sunrise over mountains
fall trees with sunburst